Hos Birch Ejendomme har forberedelse af hele organisationen være nøglen til succes og involvering i trivselsprocessen.

Birch Ejendomme got everyone involved in the job satisfaction work

At Birch Ejendomme, job satisfaction efforts are built upon preparing everyone in the organisation for trust and openness. The results of their work are reflected in the high response rates of their surveys and a strengthened culture.
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GAIS in figures

1 million +
300 +
2 years
of research
GAIS is a highly usable tool and easy to work with. We can track focus areas and we see lots of value in surveying and following up with action. GAIS gives a language and a system for continuously working with job satisfaction.

Eva Jonassen

Chief People & Performance Officer at Whiteaway Group

GAIS creates employee engagement among many: