Use GAIS in your employer branding

The research is clear. Employee job satisfaction means lower employee turnover!
That’s why you should be actively using job satisfaction work in your employer branding to attract and retain skilled employees.

Add your GAIS score to your website to show new candidates and others that you take job satisfaction seriously. Measure employee satisfaction and loyalty with eNPS in GAIS.

Open-Score tablet-EN

Easily measure your employee satisfaction
with eNPS

How loyal and satisfied are your employees? You can find out using an eNPS survey (Employee Net Promoter Score).It consists of one question that can be easily added to your GAIS survey.
Use the results to kick-start a dialogue about employee job satisfaction or demonstrate to potential employees that you are an attractive workplace.

Open Score - Brand jer med GAIS

Display job satisfaction
on your website

Show the world that your company is all about job satisfaction. GAIS OpenScore allows you to display the overall scores from a GAIS survey on your website by copying a small script to your chosen web pages.

  • Choose the type of display and format that best suits your website
  • Retrieve data live from the selected survey
  • Switch GAIS OpenScore on and off as required

Lower employee turnover due to
good job satisfaction

Over a period of six months, approximately 19.3% of employees with the lowest job satisfaction had changed jobs – in other words, almost one in five.
For comparison, around 8.6% of employees with the highest job satisfaction had changed jobs.
That corresponds to 124 more job changes among employees with the lowest job satisfaction!                

Soruce: “Arbejdslyst giver bonus på bundlinjen”. Kraka Advisory og Videncenter for God Arbejdslyst, 2021

Companies talk about their
job satisfaction

Other companies work purposefully with job satisfaction and actively employ it in their narrative and employer branding.

See how the company Become loves data and so uses GAIS surveys to take the temperature of the company and show the surrounding world the results.

Become logo