Personal GAIS report creates engagement

GAIS gives every single employee a personal report on their own job satisfaction and tools they can use to improve it.

Involving employees via their personal reports creates engagement in the process and common responsibility for job satisfaction. 

Quick and easy for employees

  • The employees get their digital GAIS report immediately. No waiting time!
  • The report can be opened on mobiles, PCs and tablets.
  • A personal report is easy to use and understand. Gain an overview within one minute, and go into more details when you have time.
  • Data and pointers are presented visually and are easily accessible.
  • The report is the personal – but can be shared with others.
  • Option to choose whether the employees should be able to see a benchmark on the Job Satisfaction Index or the company’s overall result.
  • GAIS Survey and the personal report are available in 15 different languages.

Insight and knowledge create personal development

A personal report gives direct value creation for the employee. Individuals get a overview off where job satisfaction is high, where it’s low and where it’s best to take action.

The personal report gives you:

Understanding your own level of job satisfaction

What did I score and comment on?

Visualise trends over time

What’s changed since the last survey? What could that indicate?

Easily accessible points

What are the most important insights from my data?

Help with prioritising

Where is it essential to try and create change?

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Not just figures, but specific help for action

A personal report does not just leave the employee with meaningless figures. Pointers from the data are presented along with brief, specific and focused recommendations for action.

If the employee wants to go into more detail, it’s possible using e.g. guides, articles, exercises and short e-learning programmes.

Specific recommendations on what an employee can work with, contribute to them being able to take joint responsibility for their own job satisfaction.

Customiseyour own content

With GAIS Premium it’s possible to customise your own recommendations that can be presented directly to the employees in their own personal GAIS report.

I’d like to hear more about GAIS

Book a demo meeting at which we can show you a personal GAIS report, a business report, and tell you how GAIS can help you with ensuring job satisfaction.
Fill in the form, and we’ll contact you ASAP!

Job satisfaction is created together

Roles and responsibilities differ, but everyone has to be on board for it to succeed. A personal report enables employees to work with themselves and their own job satisfaction. Personal reports with specific recommendations give employees something to work with in terms of their own personal development.

They also get a language and reference framework to use for the joint job satisfaction process within the organisation.

Responsibility, engagement and a common point of reference are key to succeeding with job satisfaction surveys and culture.