GAIS created job satisfaction overview at Novicell

Novicell’s Online Marketing Manager Henrik Rivera uses GAIS to gain an important indicator of how the employees feel, and what can be done to raise levels of job satisfaction even higher.

Job satisfaction surveys at Novicell




EPR interviews

using personal surveys

Employee job satisfaction surveys result in dialogue

Konsulenthuset Novicell have been using GAIS for several years. Marketing Manager Henrik Riveras’ department uses employee job satisfaction surveys to gain an overview of job satisfaction levels.
“A content employee is naturally also an employee that is happy at work, and therefore also performs better at work,” he says. 

Job satisfaction surveys can be used to discuss at open meetings how job satisfaction can be boosted, and GAIS surveys are also used for EPR interviews.

“GAIS gives me an overview of the level of the team’s job satisfaction based on various parameters, and I can then compare the results with average levels of job satisfaction in Denmark. That’s just what I need,” says Henrik Rivera.

Action after a survey gave more acknowledgement

A GAIS survey gave greater acknowledgement at Novicell. 
At one point, one of their job satisfaction surveys showed that acknowledgement was an area for improvement.
Accordingly, a feedback board was introduced into the department, and subsequent surveys meant they could see that an improvement in job satisfaction had occurred in that area. 

“My employees welcomed GAIS, which has given rise to discussion on points that can normally be difficult to address. Once you’ve actually answered the questions, you realise that some things can be improved, or that there’s something we ought to be doing more of,” says Rivera.

We are delighted to use GAIS, firstly because it’s easy to use, it’s well-designed and it gives us tools to work with specific points. GAIS also lets me see whether someone is feeling content in their job, and not just being regarded as a good production resource.” 

Novicell logo

Henrik Rivera

Head of Online Marketing & Design at Novicell

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