Ambercon boosted employee participation with a code solution
Code solution
well-being surveys
At Ambercon, employee participation in their APV (Workplace Assessment) and well-being surveys had been declining. However, with a code solution in GAIS, they managed to engage more employees in the surveys and significantly increased the response rate.
For the past four years, Ambercon has conducted both well-being surveys and APVs through GAIS. The company produces concrete and façade elements for construction and has nearly 200 employees, many of whom work in production.
“We had experienced declining participation in the surveys over the past two years. We asked our employees what it would take to improve this, and their request was for a code solution. It was therefore great news that GAIS could offer this,” says Ambercon’s Factory Manager, Thais L. Kristensen.
A code solution in GAIS is designed for employees who don’t have a work email or access to a computer during their regular workday. These employees can participate in the surveys using a QR code or a unique code. Learn more about the code solution.
At Ambercon, the practical implementation involved setting up tablets in the cafeteria, where employees could use their code to answer the surveys. The occupational health and safety team helped encourage employees to use the tablets, ensuring broader participation.
Ambercon achieved the employee participation they were aiming for: By using the code solution, they raised the response rate from 67% to 89%.
Engaging Employees
Ambercon conducts their well-being surveys annually in December. In the first months of the new year, individual departments and team leaders work with the results to select focus areas for the upcoming year.
“We aim to create a workplace environment where job satisfaction is a top priority—a safe workplace that involves employees and offers room for both professional and personal growth. Employee input is absolutely essential in this process,” explains Thais L. Kristensen.
At Ambercon, it’s important that everyone is motivated to influence workplace satisfaction. They communicate to employees before each well-being survey that honest and constructive feedback is critical for collectively identifying and addressing the areas that matter most. Each employee plays a vital role in workplace well-being:
“Typically, individual employees are also tasked with suggesting how they can personally work on the focus areas,” says Thais L. Kristensen.
We noticed a declining response rate. So, we had a discussion with our employees about how we could improve it for the next year. Their own suggestion was a code solution. It was great that GAIS had a solution for this.

Thais L. Kristensen
Factory Manager, Ambercon